Pet Ceremonies

These ceremonies celebrate all the major milestones in your Pet’s life, after all they are a part of your family, they grow with you, share your secrets, love and comfort you and are always there for you.

So I offer pet naming/blessing ceremonies, pet weddings and also possibly the most emotional ceremony of Pet Memorials.

This is something really close to my heart as when my pet passed away I wasn’t a celebrant and didn’t realise you could have such a ceremony, needless to say I think I would have dealt with my grief in a better way had this been available to me.

After all we develop such a special bond with our pets that it is incredibly upsetting when we lose them, and I think it is something only fellow pet owners understand. So I believe it’s important to have a pet funeral or memorial to help you and your family process the grief and pain that inevitably follows the loss of a beloved pet.

It really helps everyone including family and children say goodbye in a sensitive and appropriate way.

I will listen to all your lovely stories about your special pet, support you and understand what you are going through and together we will create a personal memorial that really honours your special one.

We will discuss the many ways to say goodbye including a funeral, scattering of ashes, planting of a tree or having a garden ornament or special stone, and of course you may have your own personal wishes.

If you are a dog owner part of your ceremony can be done on your dog’s favourite walk as we retrace their steps, if this appeals to you.

You can rest assured the ceremony we create will be special, unique, sensitive and an uplifting tribute which will help you through this sad time.

Pricing: £340 for a local pet memorial ceremony.