A non legal wedding ceremony or a celebrant led wedding ceremony is a true celebration off your relationship and commitment to each other . It’s a hugely popular choice for couples because it really is a unique ceremony created for and written with you. It offers complete freedom of choice in terms of your ceremony date, time, location and most importantly the content of your personalised wedding ceremony. Because it’s not a legal ceremony it’s also a hugely popular choice because couples can have a unique personalised ceremony wherever they like and don’t have the extra costs of having to find a venue that’s licenced for ceremony.
So, many couples choose to have their wedding ceremony for example in their garden or in a place that’s very special to them which might be their favourite restaurant or a country pub or in their parents gardens or even in a stately home. With a celebrant led wedding ceremony there are no compulsory legal declarations, it’s a truly bespoke ceremony however most still follow the format and ceremony of a traditional wedding. For example the bride would walk down the aisle to the groom,
The vows and a ring exchange together with readings and all the usual things you would expect from a wedding ceremony. You can also involve your family and friends in the ceremony, have spiritual or religious aspects of you like, and there’s also several beautiful ceremony enhancements such as a unity candle ceremony.
Generally a couple will have their legal marriage either before or after their celebrant wedding ceremony .
This legal marriage is officially called a statutory registry office marriage or a civil partnership registration which costs £56 and there is no ceremony.
After or even before this legal declaration of marriage a couple then chooses to have a celebratory wedding ceremony with a wedding celebrant.
It’s essential that a couple knows the difference because having a registrar come to your venue will cost hundreds of pounds just to perform a registry office marriage which is completely different to a wedding ceremony.
The registry office marriage is a legal declaration which takes approximately 10 minutes and is carried out at a registry office with two witnesses.
However to have this same legal marriage at your wedding venue is costly and has the same restrictions as it has at the registry office therefore it’s a series of legal declarations and not ceremonial in any way because of the restrictions and the legalities.
Why have a celebrant ceremony?
A celebrant led wedding ceremony is a celebration of your relationship, love and commitment to eachother.
The celebrant creates a personalised meaningful wedding ceremony, specifically for each couple. There are no real limitations on the ceremony they create so couples have complete freedom to have their ceremony exactly as they want it. Celebrants perform a whole range of ceremonies from traditional to modern, themed, or boho, and within the ceremony there’s a choice of symbolic enhancements such as a sand ceremony or unity candle ceremony.
Where can celebrants marry you?
Celebrants are not restricted in where or when they perform ceremonies. So, because celebrant ceremonies are not limited to licensed wedding venues, couples have greater freedom of venue choice and can literally get married anywhere.
If you wanted to get married outdoors, in a location special to you, a sunset beach ceremony, or your favourite restaurant or boutique hotel then a celebrant can certainly make that happen.
Celebrant or Registrar ?
A registrar can only legally marry you at a licensed wedding venue or a registry office, and the marriage must include compulsory regulations and legal declarations. Generally, couples are restricted in terms of choice of vows, music and decoration. The registry office marriage is a one size fits all, whereas with a celebrant you have freedom of choice, and the ceremony is totally personalised to represent you as a couple, it’s as unique as you are.
You can’t choose your registrar; they are assigned to you, and you meet for the first time a few minutes before the allocated time given to you for your marriage. The legal declaration takes about 10-15 minutes, and the registrar usually has more than one a day so they’re very time pressed. Any unexpected delays can be somewhat of a problem.
On the other hand, you choose your celebrant; they’ll be someone you get on with and who understands your vision. Celebrants form a close professional relationship with their couples so they can help and support you. The combination of your ideas and wishes, and their creativity and knowledge enable them to create your amazing, personalised ceremony. Wedding Ceremonies can include loved ones, pets, or guests, you choose the start time of your ceremony and with an independent celebrant there’s no limitations on any aspects, including the length of ceremony, many celebrants only do one ceremony a day!
About the author
I’m Amanda a modern celebrant who helps couples have the ceremony they deserve with real freedom of choice and personalisation. As a friendly award-winning celebrant, you’ll be guaranteed of a professional and stress-free approach to your big day. I have been featured in several newspapers and regularly write/blog for wedding magazines. To find out more check https://amandasceremonies.com